Orientation program at Bal Bharti Rohini for class 9th students.
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Orientation program at Bal Bharti Rohini for class 9th students.

GOF ACADEMY conducted an orientation program on 31st July 2023 at Bal Bharti Rohini to prepare the students for our upcoming Mental Aptitude training classes. Mr. Deepak Singh, our President and esteemed Mental Aptitude trainer, hosted the session, providing students with all the essential information regarding the Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Pariksha(MVPP) and the Mental Aptitude subject.

During the orientation, Mr. Deepak discussed his effective teaching strategies, ensuring that the students would have a dynamic and engaging learning experience. The students displayed great enthusiasm and excitement for the forthcoming Mental Aptitude classes.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Bal Bharti Rohini for choosing GOF Academy as their educational partner for the 3rd consecutive year. Our continued collaboration signifies the trust and confidence placed in us, and we are eager to nurture the talents of these young minds to create scholars, just as we have done in previous years.

With the combined efforts of GOF Academy and Bal Bharti Rohini, we are confident that this academic year will be yet another successful and rewarding journey of growth, knowledge, and excellence. Here’s to creating a brighter future together!

