Chandrayaan: Your Launchpad to IIT JEE, NEET Triumph

IIT JEE, NEET, NTSE,CBSE and MVPP Aspirants Dreams Soar with Chandrayaan Motivation is the driving force that propels individuals towards their goals, and for aspiring IIT JEE and NEET candidates, the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) Chandrayaan mission can serve as an unparalleled source of inspiration. Chandrayaan, India’s ambitious lunar exploration program, embodies the very […]

4 mins read

Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique can be a helpful time management strategy for IIT JEE and NEET preparing students, as it can improve focus, productivity, and time efficiency. Here’s how you can adapt the Pomodoro Technique to your preparation by GOF Academy: 1. Set Clear Goals: Before you start your study session, set specific goals for what you […]

2 mins read