Commencement of MVPP classes in Bal Bharti Rohini
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Commencement of MVPP classes in Bal Bharti Rohini

GOF ACADEMY, a renowned institute for NTSE and MVPP training, kickstarted its inaugural Mental Aptitude Test class at Bal Bharti Rohini today. Led by our esteemed President and Mental Aptitude trainer, Mr. Deepak Singh, the session delved into the intricacies of ‘Counting of Figures’. Mr. Singh also presented a well-structured study plan, distributed comprehensive notes, and provided a question bank to hone students’ skills. The class was not only informative but also engaging, with students actively participating and expressing their enjoyment. In line with our blended pedagogy, we are conducting a mix of face-to-face and online classes to cater to different preferences. This marks the beginning of an exciting journey, and we are committed to nurturing the potential of Bal Bharti Rohini students.